Ancient travelers and conquerors have always been fascinated with ancient
pyramids. At Medum, a step pyramid was built and then filled in with stone, and then covered with a limestone casing. At Bashur, construction had begun on a pyramid that planed to have smooth sides. About half way up the angle of incline decreases from over 51 degrees to about 43 degrees, and the sides less steeply, causing it to be knownas the bent pyramid. The change in the angle of the pyramid was probably made during construction to give the building more stability.

Great Pyramids of Giza

The largest and the most famous pyramid of all is the great pyramid of Giza. The great pyamid by King Snefru's son Khufu. The pyramid base cover ed over 13 acres and it's sides which rose an angle of 51 degrees 50 feet were 755 feet long. It origanally stood 481 feet high. Scientist estimate that it's stone blocks average over two tons a piece, and the largest way as much as 15 tons each. The greek historian Heroditus reported in the fifth century B.C. that his egyptian guides told him 100,000 men were employed for three months a year for twenty years to build the Great Pyramid of Giza. Modern estimates of the number of workers are much smaller.

Also at Giza is the Great Sphinx, which is a massive statue of a lion with a human head. The head was carved to resemble the head of the king. The great spinx was built almost 5,000 years ago, when Khafre was king. The great statue is 66 feet high and more than 240 feet long. It stands guard over the road that leads to the pyramid built by King Khafre.

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This Webpage was made by Kenny Brooks and Claudia Villegas

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